2014년 2월 9일 일요일

●hospital O * 기관등계급등부호등지휘계통등 * FTA* * * */● 현대병원 군부호는 상급기관 부호임 *SNUH NMC 등은 그 다음 상급기관들임 * /hospital ship 1000병상 /hosital in large ship 53 56 병상등 /Each ship contains 12 fully equipped operating rooms, a 1,000-bed hospital facility, digital radiological services, a medical laboratory, a pharmacy, an optometry lab, an intensive care ward,dental services, a CT scanner, a morgue, and two oxygen-producing plants. Each ship is equipped with a helicopter deck capable of landing large military helicopters. /● https://plus.google.com/110736564663675286720/posts/15TWbB5cn9M /

●hospital O * 기관등계급등부호등지휘계통등 * FTA* * * */● 현대병원 군부호는 상급기관 부호임 *SNUH NMC 등은 그 다음 상급기관들임 * /hospital ship 1000병상 /hosital in large ship 53 56 병상등 /Each ship contains 12 fully equipped operating rooms, a 1,000-bed hospital facility, digital radiological services, a medical laboratory, a pharmacy, an optometry lab, an intensive care ward,dental services, a CT scanner, a morgue, and two oxygen-producing plants. Each ship is equipped with a helicopter deck capable of landing large military helicopters. /● https://plus.google.com/110736564663675286720/posts/15TWbB5cn9M /

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