2013년 7월 31일 수요일

TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter ●http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rllcua ●●●20130731 0246NM 20130730 NM군작전기록 7월등 증가되는 피해NM ===NM ●테러자금등 저소득저개반나라등지역등에 테러무기생산등생체실 험등기지건설시작한시기NM 자금이동경로NM주도한 최태원등을 사칭하던자들 시 살되면서 밝혀지는 비밀계좌등NM /●대외비 김주성NM 신분등을 공개한사유 김주성 NM(주민등록번호620506-1683421 JooSung Kim) 소유자산등을 발견한 자들의 조직적 사기극등 밝혀짐 NM /●테러리스트들처벌 불법거주등점거등임대료체납등처벌및사형집행인것을 보고도 세뇌된 주파수에 따라 앵무새처럼 이야기하는 단말기형 테러조직등주술사기단등및 증가중인 프로그램형등원발견됨NM /===NM ●지각판변화등속도등방향등 GPS등 ●ADS 방해등목적확인됨NM /●조직적 핵폭발등자기장폭풍등과 동시에 금융테러등흑인파동등유발시도등중요관공서 습격등계획한자들 /●해외공괸등주의보 미 연방등 각나라등 이적반란등해위발견된 해외외교관등 무관등 적군으로 지적함 추격사살등발생중인사유 /●테러조직들에게 자금공급등 용역등 면책특권등악용 NM 일제검거등 사살등 시작된사유NM /●미연방등 중대룩 본토등 목표 핵테러시도등 금융테러 시도한자들 수사결과 공유등과정에서 밝혀진 각 나라 행정부수반들의 비리등공개됨NM /●몰수집행NM자동NM집행NM 20130730 0525 NMnm ===NM 20130731 0226 NM/ /●사유 관련체납등확산목적체납후자금북측계좌송금 확인된자들에대한추가초치등시행될것임NM/불법거 주지역등구역등지정후일부테러단들이 범죄확산시도 등후자신들만의 주거구역시도등이범죄조직들에게 발 각된후북측도가세등전체처벌중임NM/ ●●●2013731 0233 NM현재상황 /●●처벌처형사살등 발생지역구역증가NM /●체납등관련불법주거등임대등 관련갱스터등소유주등살해등 /●일부변호사사기단들 의 범죄조직화 보호구역등시도 /●북측남파증가등불법 건설등개발등시행시공등도매상부도등증가후 / 자금송 금해외반출급증등심지어는서울강남지역교통망등카메 라시스템들을 북으로옮기는자들생김NM //

Daum 블로그

TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter

●http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rllcua ●●●20130731 0246NM

20130730 NM군작전기록 7월등 증가되는 피해NM ===NM ●테러자금등 저소득저개반나라등지역등에 테러무기생산등생체실 험등기지건설시작한시기NM 자금이동경로NM주도한 최태원등을 사칭하던자들 시 살되면서 밝혀지는 비밀계좌등NM /●대외비 김주성NM 신분등을 공개한사유 김주성 NM(주민등록번호620506-1683421 JooSung Kim) 소유자산등을 발견한 자들의 조직적 사기극등 밝혀짐 NM /●테러리스트들처벌 불법거주등점거등임대료체납등처벌및사형집행인것을 보고도 세뇌된 주파수에 따라 앵무새처럼 이야기하는 단말기형 테러조직등주술사기단등및 증가중인 프로그램형등원발견됨NM /===NM ●지각판변화등속도등방향등 GPS등 ●ADS 방해등목적확인됨NM /●조직적 핵폭발등자기장폭풍등과 동시에 금융테러등흑인파동등유발시도등중요관공서 습격등계획한자들 /●해외공괸등주의보 미 연방등 각나라등 이적반란등해위발견된 해외외교관등 무관등 적군으로 지적함 추격사살등발생중인사유 /●테러조직들에게 자금공급등 용역등 면책특권등악용 NM 일제검거등 사살등 시작된사유NM /●미연방등 중대룩 본토등 목표 핵테러시도등 금융테러 시도한자들 수사결과 공유등과정에서 밝혀진 각 나라 행정부수반들의 비리등공개됨NM /●몰수집행NM자동NM집행NM 20130730 0525 NMnm

===NM 20130731 0226 NM/

/●사유 관련체납등확산목적체납후자금북측계좌송금 확인된자들에대한추가초치등시행될것임NM/불법거 주지역등구역등지정후일부테러단들이 범죄확산시도 등후자신들만의 주거구역시도등이범죄조직들에게 발 각된후북측도가세등전체처벌중임NM/

●●●2013731 0233 NM현재상황 /●●처벌처형사살등 발생지역구역증가NM /●체납등관련불법주거등임대등 관련갱스터등소유주등살해등 /●일부변호사사기단들 의 범죄조직화 보호구역등시도 /●북측남파증가등불법 건설등개발등시행시공등도매상부도등증가후 / 자금송 금해외반출급증등심지어는서울강남지역교통망등카메 라시스템들을 북으로옮기는자들생김NM //

20130730 NM군작전기록 7월등 증가되는 피해NM ===NM ●테러자금등 저소득저개반나라등지역등에 테러무기생산등생체실험등기지건설시작한시기NM 자금이동경로NM주도한 최태원등을 사칭하던자들 시살되면서 밝혀지는 비밀계좌등NM / ●대외비 김주성NM 신분등을 공개한사유 김주성NM(주민등록번호620506-1683421 JooSung Kim)소유자산등을 발견한 자들의 조직적 사기극등 밝혀짐NM / ●테러리스트들처벌 불법거주등점거등임대료체납등처벌및사형집행인것을 보고도 세뇌된 주파수에 따라 앵무새처럼 이야기하는 단말기형 테러조직등주술사기단등및 증가중인 프로그램형등원발견됨NM / ===NM ●지각판변화등속도등방향등 GPS등 ●ADS 방해등목적확인됨NM / ●조직적 핵폭발등자기장폭풍등과 동시에 금융테러등흑인파동등유발시도등중요관공서습격등계획한자들 / ●해외공괸등주의보 미 연방등 각나라등 이적반란등해위발견된 해외외교관등 무관등 적군으로 지적함 추격사살등발생중인사유 / ●테러조직들에게 자금공급등 용역등 면책특권등악용NM 일제검거등 사살등 시작된사유NM / ●미연방등 중대룩 본토등 목표 핵테러시도등 금융테러시도한자들 수사결과 공유등과정에서 밝혀진 각 나라 행정부수반들의 비리등공개됨NM / ●몰수집행NM자동NM집행NM 20130730 0525 NMnm ===NM 20130731 0226 NM/ /●사유 관련체납등확산목적체납후자금북측계좌송금확인된자들에대한추가초치등시행될것임NM/불법거주지역등구역등지정후일부테러단들이 범죄확산시도등후자신들만의 주거구역시도등이범죄조직들에게 발각된후북측도가세등전체처벌중임NM/ ●●●2013731 0233 NM현재상황 /●●처벌처형사살등발생지역구역증가NM /●체납등관련불법주거등임대등관련갱스터등소유주등살해등 /●일부변호사사기단들의 범죄조직화 보호구역등시도 /●북측남파증가등불법건설등개발등시행시공등도매상부도등증가후 / 자금송금해외반출급증등심지어는서울강남지역교통망등카메라시스템들을 북으로옮기는자들생김NM //


20130730 NM군작전기록
7월등 증가되는 피해NM
저소득저개반나라등지역등에 테러무기생산등생체실험등기지건설시작한시기NM
자금이동경로NM주도한 최태원등을 사칭하던자들 시살되면서 밝혀지는 비밀계좌등NM
●대외비 김주성NM 신분등을 공개한사유 김주성NM(주민등록번호620506-1683421 JooSung Kim)소유자산등을 발견한 자들의 조직적 사기극등 밝혀짐NM
불법거주등점거등임대료체납등처벌및사형집행인것을 보고도
세뇌된 주파수에 따라 앵무새처럼
이야기하는 단말기형 테러조직등주술사기단등및
증가중인 프로그램형등원발견됨NM
●ADS 방해등목적확인됨NM
●조직적 핵폭발등자기장폭풍등과
동시에 금융테러등흑인파동등유발시도등중요관공서습격등계획한자들
미 연방등 각나라등
이적반란등해위발견된 해외외교관등 무관등 적군으로 지적함 추격사살등발생중인사유
●테러조직들에게 자금공급등 용역등 면책특권등악용NM
일제검거등 사살등 시작된사유NM
●미연방등 중대룩 본토등 목표 핵테러시도등 금융테러시도한자들 수사결과 공유등과정에서 밝혀진 각 나라 행정부수반들의 비리등공개됨NM
●몰수집행NM자동NM집행NM 20130730 0525 NMnm

20130731 0226 NM/

/●사유 관련체납등확산목적체납후자금북측계좌송금확인된자들에대한추가초치등시행될것임NM/불법거주지역등구역등지정후일부테러단들이 범죄확산시도등후자신들만의 주거구역시도등이범죄조직들에게 발각된후북측도가세등전체처벌중임NM/

●●●2013731 0233 NM현재상황 /●●처벌처형사살등발생지역구역증가NM /●체납등관련불법주거등임대등관련갱스터등소유주등살해등 /●일부변호사사기단들의 범죄조직화 보호구역등시도 /●북측남파증가등불법건설등개발등시행시공등도매상부도등증가후 / 자금송금해외반출급증등심지어는서울강남지역교통망등카메라시스템들을 북으로옮기는자들생김NM //

posted from Bloggeroid

2013년 7월 26일 금요일


HAARP ionospheric research program set to continue

HAARP ionospheric research program set to continue

●The power isn't what makes HAARP different. Rather, the credit for that goes to HAARP's phased array antenna. Consisting of 180 individual dipole antennas placed in a field roughly 13 hectares (33 acres) in size, this antenna array acts as a highly directional antenna, with a beamwidth of about five degrees. By the time the RF energy reaches the ionosphere (say, at an altitude of 200 km /124 mi just for this example), the size of the radiated spot is about 18 km (11 mi) in diameter, and the power density is roughly 14 mW/sq m. As the ionosphere is opaque in HAARP's frequency band, it absorbs nearly all of the incident power.

A tricky point, the misunderstanding of which has led to various HAARP conspiracy theories, is the difference between radiated power and effective radiated power. HAARP's radiated power, the amount of actual RF power it can emit, is 3.6 MW. However, because HAARP's antenna focuses the radiated power on a small portion of the ionosphere, the power density on that spot is much larger than would result if HAARP's antenna were non-directional so that its RF power were directed uniformly in all directions.

A fictional "effective radiated power" can be calculated, which is the power that would have to be sent through a non-directional antenna to provide HAARP's power density to the entire sky. This value is about 5.8 GW. The value is much larger than HAARP's actual RF power, as only 0.06 percent of the sky is illuminated by HAARP's antenna. But the effective radiated power appears in many conspiracy theories simply as a scary large number.

How big is the actual power density in HAARP's ionospheric spot? The total irradiance of the Sun's electromagnetic radiation (everything from x-rays to extremely low frequency (ELF) radio signals) is 1,360 W/sq m, measured by satellite outside the bulk of the Earth's atmosphere. HAARP's power density is about 0.001 percent of the Sun's irradiance – a nearly negligible quantity. Further, while local heating of the ionosphere is caused by HAARP (indeed, that is HAARP's purpose), the overall effect is rather like focusing the Sun's light using a magnifying glass – impressive if one is an ant, but not very significant on larger size scales.

HAARP is designed to test the response of a patch of the ionosphere at varying altitudes to the application of a few mW/sq m excitation in the high frequency (HF) radio band. One known effect is the generation of extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves through modulated heating. By turning the HAARP array off and on (or more simply, by wiggling the focal point around in a repetitive pattern, a procedure known as geometric modulation), the local ionospheric temperature rises and falls, changing the conductivity in that portion of the ionosphere at whatever frequency corresponds to the pattern. The frequencies are typically in the vicinity of a few to a few hundred Hertz.

HAARP is located where large natural electrical currents flow through the atmosphere. This auroral electrojet flows from the position of the Sun at noon to the position of the Sun at midnight in the north and south polar regions of the ionosphere. The flowing currents circle the poles, rather than passing over them, and may be thought of as sheets of current with a typical current density of 1-2 amperes per meter.

Given HAARP's spot size of about 18 km, the heated region has passing through it a current of about 30 kA, depending on geomagnetic conditions. When the ionospheric conductivity changes from HAARP's transmissions, the current in and around the spot also changes its distribution. That makes the region near the spot an antenna that radiates ELF radio waves from the ionosphere. HAARP is not, however, an efficient source of ELF radiation – starting with 3.6 MW, the yield of ELF radio waves is less then 10 W.

What can you do with 10 W of ELF radio waves? Well, a typical ELF submarine communication system uses several megawatts of ELF RF power with a frequency of 70-90 Hz. This is directed into the surface of the Earth at points separated by about 50 km (31 mi) in order to use a large area of the Earth's crust as a transmitting antenna. Despite the huge power and massive antennas, the actual transmitted power of such a system is only a few watts. So one reason for HAARP's development was to prototype a (relatively) small ELF transmitter.

Magnetospheric wave injection

Another phenomenon studied by HAARP is called magnetospheric wave injection. While most of the ELF waves generated in the ionosphere by HAARP are directed down toward the Earth's surface, a small fraction leaks into the surrounding magnetosphere. In the inner magnetosphere, wave interactions are dominated by the Earth's static magnetic field.

Most study has been directed to a whistler-mode instability. Imagine you have a PA system with the volume turned up just short of the point when spontaneous feedback will occur. If you whisper into the microphone, you will hear your amplified whisper. However, immediately on speaking loudly into the microphone, your voice will be drowned out by feedback at the characteristic frequency of the PA system. The potential power output of the PA was always available, but requires a small push to tilt the system into runaway feedback. This behavior is rather like that of a whistler-mode instability.

Non-linear magnetospheric amplification of such waves can be caused by resonant interactions with energetic electrons. This being a non-linear interaction, one of the signatures is a change of the frequency of oscillation. The one-hop (Alaska to the South Pacific) and two-hop waves (back to Alaska) detected at the surface both show non-linear smearing of the wave frequency as well as amplification from the whistler-mode instability. It appears that the magnitude of the amplification has not been firmly established, but it is not enormous.

Ionospheric and magnetospheric structures and effects are the subject of ongoing study at HAARP, with a number of experiments being scheduled for later this year. Hints of interesting behavior have emerged, such as the possibility of generating ELF radio waves at times when the auroral electrojet has very little current, suggesting that interesting physics is yet to be discovered and understood.

Mind control and earthquakes

Getting back to the conspiracy theories for a moment, these come in a plethora of bizarre and unfounded varieties. To name just a few, HAARP is accused of triggering earthquakes by lifting the ionosphere over a tectonically active region, then letting it fall so that the pressure wave will trigger the earthquake. There are two problems with this. First, HAARP is pretty well limited to heating the ionosphere directly over its physical location. Second, a falling object can at best deliver the energy that went into lifting it. As we know that energy was delivered via a 3.6 MW RF beam, it seems incredibly unlikely that an earthquake could be triggered by turning off HAARP.

Mind control is also supposed to be within HAARP's capabilities. This would be accomplished by altering the 7.8 Hz Schumann resonance, which is the Earth's lowest frequency electromagnetic resonance. After stating as fact a totally evidence-free relationship between life itself and the Schumann resonance, one conspiracy theorist says that "1,700 billion watts" will apparently drive HAARP's mind-altering effect. That is a rather remarkable claim, as HAARP's maximum power is about one-five-hundred-thousandth of that amount. And don't forget the claim that HAARP caused Hurricane Sandy, triggered massive tornado activity, and brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11. Personally, I don't intend to lose much sleep over the dark side of HAARP.

According to HAARP program manager James Keeney, the "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research in fall 2013 and winter 2014." The temporary shutdown was described as being due to "a contractor regime change." The Alaska Native corporation Ahtna, Incorporated is reportedly in talks to take over the facility administration contract from Marsh Creek, LLC. I am sure that the new operators will continue to keep us in touch with what really happens at HAARP.

Sources: American Radio Relay League, The Alaska Dispatch, and Magnetospheric Wave Injection by Modulated HF Heating of the Auroral Electrojet (PDF)

2013년 7월 24일 수요일

20130724 0516 NM

"●대륙 만 지역폭파된 사유생체실험 만주군 가운데 전문조직 생존기간구역등점령 생체실험등용역등사체거래등발생증가도피장소등제공 테러조직훈련 갱스터등교육등전멸된사유임●다른 대상 발견됨 한반도내 두군데등 20130724 0512 현재 최종통보됨NM출격NM" - http://me2.do/Ga6m7lKC

posted from Bloggeroid

●대륙 만 지역폭파된 사유생체실험 만주군 가운데 전문조직 생존기간구역등점령 생체실험등용역등사체거래등발생증가도피장소등제공 테러조직훈련 갱스터등교육등전멸된사유임●다른 대상 발견됨 한반도내 두군데등 20130724 0512 현재 최종통보됨NM출격NM

"●대륙 만 지역폭파된 사유생체실험 만주군 가운데 전문조직 생존기간구역등점령 생체실험등용역등사체거래등발생증가도피장소등제공 테러조직훈련 갱스터등교육등전멸된사유임●다른 대상 발견됨 한반도내 두군데등 20130724 0512 현재 최종통보됨NM출격NM" -


2013년 7월 23일 화요일

20130723 0952 NM

하느님 감사합니다.김주성23;620506-1683421 http://spinekim.blogspot.com/


지각변화NM압록강두만강변화NM요동반도앞해수면등해저변화 NM홍산문화등유적지변화NM ===NM

●●심해생명체이동방향NM ●요동성등주변대피령발동시기NM ●정보차단된북일반거주민들알게된시기NM

●대피한일부계층계급NM이동방향NM ●대륙 만 지역성지폭파한자들사유NM



●중 연방정부입장NM ●중 성 정부입장NM


●그러나 검관 개입사유 아님NM

●단각연방등제국등대륙등을감찰중임/●대륙등쿠릴타이등필요성 등소집등지적한시기NM거부한자들NM처벌대상NM

●●20130723 0237 NM현상황검관 개입사유아님등확인후중 연방 정부 결단NM NMnm

●●●이동한 테러리스트들명단대외비NM

● 북 쪽으로 도피등 연변공항등 은행등비밀방문한자들등NM

●영 지도등 비슷한변화

●영 변화 수에즈등 파나마등 변화NM 지중해등 iceland등변화NM 전처GPS변화 우주지도등공자전변화NM

●순시등 반대등 방해등 연방제국 몰살시킬것임NM

●위성궤도에 위성아닌소지구등 형태 외계생명체 구역 생긴상태 접 근금지NM

●sacred geometry 등 △□○ NM

●NMnm NMnm 20130723 0251

posted from Bloggeroid

20130723 0919 NM현상황

Google+ Google+ https://plus.google.com/app/basic/stream/z13dh3wwgwnkwhmrn04chfd5wxjhgfszahk?cbp=1s6jre2k52rn5&sview=2&spath=/app/basic/stream&sparm=cbp%3Dwuqmxweb2a6c%26sview%3D11 지각변화NM압록강두만강변화NM요동반도앞해수면등해저변화 NM홍산문화등유적지변화NM ===NM ●●심해생명체이동방향NM ●요동성등주변대피령발동시기NM ●정보차단된북일반거주민들알게된시기NM ●대피한일부계층계급NM이동방향NM ●대륙<만>지역성지폭파한자들사유NM ●평양지하철폭파주범들NM지하철속상황동영상NM증거등NM ●러RF군정사령부입장NM ●중 연방정부입장NM ●중 성 정부입장NM ●●지구공안여부NM/ ●그러나 검관 개입사유 아님NM ●단각연방등제국등대륙등을감찰중임/●대륙등쿠릴타이등필요성 등소집등지적한시기NM거부한자들NM처벌대상NM ●●20130723 0237 NM현상황검관 개입사유아님등확인후중 연방 정부 결단NM NMnm ●●●이동한 테러리스트들명단대외비NM ● 북 쪽으로 도피등 연변공항등 은행등비밀방문한자들등NM ●영 지도등 비슷한변화 ●영 변화 수에즈등 파나마등 변화NM 지중해등 iceland등변화NM 전처GPS변화 우주지도등공자전변화NM ●순시등 반대등 방해등 연방제국 몰살시킬것임NM ●위성궤도에 위성아닌소지구등 형태 외계생명체 구역 생긴상태 접 근금지NM ●sacred geometry 등 △□○ NM ●NMnm NMnm 20130723 0251

20130723 NM

20130723 0914 NM

●20130723 0344 NM 요동성등 대륙 만 지역등 한반도 북등 ●우주군직할군정지역NM NMnm ●우주공안 젤리등발견된 지역들임 ●지저등 괴생명체등 존재 지역들이 주로 파괴됨NM ●생체실험등증 거인멸시도등포함됨NM ●●다국적제약사 몰수집행NM 자동NM NMnm ●귀책사유NM몰수NM집행NM중 천자NM산동성등NM NMnm 20130723 0346 ●항공기추락등 위성추락등 거대건물등균열등 공항GPS변화 유정함몰등NM 중 연방 몰수집행NM 직할군정NM 성장 가운데 테 러리스트 주범NM 연방군 포위망탈출 하바드 관련등 NM 공범NM 처형됨NM ●우주군 직할군정에서 중 연방등 RF등SU등변화 검관 김씨주성 군정 NMnmNMnm ●핵등 대량살상등 무기등장비등연구등기지등참호등위성등정부등 연방등제국등NM 몰수집행NM NMnmNMnm 20130723 0352


●20130723 0344 NM 요동성등 대륙 만 지역등 한반도 북등

●우주군직할군정지역NM NMnm ●우주공안 젤리등발견된 지역들임 ●지저등 괴생명체등 존재 지역들이 주로 파괴됨NM ●생체실험등증 거인멸시도등포함됨NM

●●다국적제약사 몰수집행NM 자동NM NMnm ●귀책사유NM몰수NM집행NM중 천자NM산동성등NM NMnm 20130723 0346

●항공기추락등 위성추락등 거대건물등균열등 공항GPS변화 유정함몰등NM 중 연방 몰수집행NM 직할군정NM 성장 가운데 테 러리스트 주범NM 연방군 포위망탈출 하바드 관련등 NM 공범NM 처형됨NM

●우주군 직할군정에서 중 연방등 RF등SU등변화 검관 김씨주성 군정 NMnmNMnm

●핵등 대량살상등 무기등장비등연구등기지등참호등위성등정부등 연방등제국등NM 몰수집행NM NMnmNMnm 20130723 0352

posted from Bloggeroid


●20130723 0344 NM 요동성등 대륙 만 지역등 한반도 북등

●우주군직할군정지역NM NMnm ●우주공안 젤리등발견된 지역들임 ●지저등 괴생명체등 존재 지역들이 주로 파괴됨NM ●생체실험등증 거인멸시도등포함됨NM

●●다국적제약사 몰수집행NM 자동NM NMnm ●귀책사유NM몰수NM집행NM중 천자NM산동성등NM NMnm 20130723 0346

●항공기추락등 위성추락등 거대건물등균열등 공항GPS변화 유정함몰등NM 중 연방 몰수집행NM 직할군정NM 성장 가운데 테 러리스트 주범NM 연방군 포위망탈출 하바드 관련등 NM 공범NM 처형됨NM

●우주군 직할군정에서 중 연방등 RF등SU등변화 검관 김씨주성 군정 NMnmNMnm

●핵등 대량살상등 무기등장비등연구등기지등참호등위성등정부등 연방등제국등NM 몰수집행NM NMnmNMnm 20130723 0352

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20130723 0319 NM현상황 요동성등 만 지역등


20130723 NM지구공안등 요동성등파괴됨 만 지역 공습됨 NM

●지각변화NM압록강두만강변화NM요동반도앞해수면 등해저변화NM홍산문화등유적지변화NM ===NM

●●심해생명체이동방향NM ●요동성등주변대피령발동시기NM ●정보차단된북일반거주민들알게된시기NM

●대피한일부계층계급NM이동방향NM ●대륙 만 지역성지폭파한자들사유NM

●평양지하철폭파주범들NM지하철속상황동영상NM증 거등NM


●중 연방정부입장NM ●중 성 정부입장NM


●그러나 검관 개입사유 아님NM

●단각연방등제국등대륙등을감찰중임/●대륙등쿠릴타 이등필요성등소집등지적한시기NM거부한자들NM처 벌대상NM

●●20130723 0237 NM현상황검관 개입사유아님등확 인후중 연방정부 결단NM NMnm

●●●이동한 테러리스트들명단대외비NM

● 북 쪽으로 도피등 연변공항등 은행등비밀방문한자들 등NM

●영 지도등 비슷한변화

●영 변화 수에즈등 파나마등 변화NM 지중해등 iceland등변화NM전처GPS변화 우주지도등공자전변 화NM

●순시등 반대등 방해등 연방제국 몰살시킬것임NM

●위성궤도에 위성아닌소지구등 형태 외계생명체 구역 생긴상태 접근금지NM

●sacred geometry 등 △□○ NM

●NMnm NMnm 20130723 0251

posted from Bloggeroid

2013년 7월 21일 일요일

●강남등순시방해조직NM추적됨 ●방해하는자들의 목적및신원NM강남지역에통보NM ●20130721 2036 NM현상황 대북방송 대남방송 몰수집행NM NMnm 아이피생성등중계등NM NMnm ●우면산NM 정상 군기지헬기장등NM 몰수집행NM NMnm ●이동이상현상확산지역NM 순시대상NM 도산공원등 청담동등 호텔주변등 강남역주변등 개원가밀집지역등 ●순시 필요사유NM 다른형상이상현상NM ●한반도중부현재 갈라진곳없음 지각등충돌시충격완화되도록한것임NM ===NM ●spondylolysis 로 교정합니다 ●심층지각등NM높이변화MM ●순시방해시 건물 넘어지는곳생길것임NM ●카드 막은자들을 공범으로 지목하게 하기위한자들이범인NM몰수집행NM NMnm 20130721 1944

Daum 블로그

●방해하는자들의 목적및신원NM강남지역에통보NM

●20130721 2036 NM현상황
대북방송 대남방송 몰수집행NM NMnm
아이피생성등중계등NM NMnm
●우면산NM 정상 군기지헬기장등NM 몰수집행NM NMnm

●이동이상현상확산지역NM 순시대상NM
도산공원등 청담동등 호텔주변등
강남역주변등 개원가밀집지역등
●순시 필요사유NM 다른형상이상현상NM

●한반도중부현재 갈라진곳없음 지각등충돌시충격완화되도록한것임NM


●spondylolysis 로 교정합니다

●순시방해시 건물 넘어지는곳생길것임NM

●카드 막은자들을 공범으로 지목하게 하기위한자들이범인NM몰수집행NM NMnm

20130721 1944

20130721 NM현상황 강남순시등방해사유배후NM

●방해하는자들의 목적및신원NM강남지역에통보NM

●20130721 2036 NM현상황
대북방송 대남방송 몰수집행NM NMnm
아이피생성등중계등NM NMnm
●우면산NM 정상 군기지헬기장등NM 몰수집행NM NMnm

●이동이상현상확산지역NM 순시대상NM
도산공원등 청담동등 호텔주변등
강남역주변등 개원가밀집지역등
●순시 필요사유NM 다른형상이상현상NM

●한반도중부현재 갈라진곳없음 지각등충돌시충격완화되도록한것임NM


●spondylolysis 로 교정합니다

●순시방해시 건물 넘어지는곳생길것임NM

●카드 막은자들을 공범으로 지목하게 하기위한자들이범인NM몰수집행NM NMnm

20130721 1944

20130721 NM


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2013-03-20 NM



[네이버]블로그 : 20130320 검찰관정형외과전문의김주성공무수행방해등 결과 대량살상무기등추적실패목적범죄발생등 외계생명체번식지역등이상현상추적방해로인한대형참사발생유발시도한자들 언론차단등결과 관련자들해외로탈출도중처벌됨

20130320 검찰관정형외과전문의김주성공무 수행방해등 결과 대량살상무기등추적실패목 적범죄발생등 외계생명체번식지역등이상현상 추적방해로인한대형참사발생유발시도한자들 언론차단등결과 관련자들해외로탈출도중처벌 됨

게시판 | 1분전

20130320검찰관정형외과전문의김주성(인터폴등지 휘검찰관등검관김씨주성)공기록/

괴생명체관련수사결과등;외계생명체종류등고대생 명체종류등거대기생충종류등 비교등/우주자기장등 입자등변화등관련된현상여부등/자전등공전등변화 와관련된생태계변화/또는외계생명체에대한지구방 어기전작동등가능증거발견됨 /고대생명체들절대보 호종임외/고기록등검도도중발견된유사이상현상등 비교등살살/검관김씨주성의이동등현지방문등자금 차단등시도등발견됨 / 핵탄두사기단등에게사기시도 한자들오히려살해당함20130320 새벽2시-2시40분 사이/======NM

https://joosungkim23.wordpress.com/2013/02/15/twitlonger-httpwww-twitlonger-comshowkv2 qco-joosungkim23 23:01|yozm 김주성23;620506 -1683421 (@spinekim23)/유사뇌파변 화등단말기 형사고등행동등/ 거대기생충이 뇌조직등과뇌실 등 에서기생하는 단층등재구성등과정에서발견됨/ 뇌혈 류측정초음파기등에서도발견됨 /성장중인사례도발 견등

joosungkim23 23:52|yozm 김주성23;620506-168 3421 (@spinekim23) 님이 10:48 오후 on 금, 1 25, 2013에 작성: http://t.co/AtfcLchh/ 토소플라스마 등/ 숙주변화등지적한검 찰관김주성공기록/변화사 유등수사대상인사유등/ 이상현상등발견지역/유성등 위성등 추락지역등/수사결과; 우주인들사체에서나 온기생충등변형등/사체주식등지상화등현상발견됨/지구공안인사유현무기로는대응방안없음======== ==

수사결과20130320/단 고대생명체도포함된상태/지 구의방어기전작동/천적들이활동시작가능등nmnm

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20130721 NM현상황 테러리스트현위치

2013년 7월 19일 금요일




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20130719 1044 NM현상황 연쇄살해조직등명단등통보공개NM / 특수형상등성형보형물등 유방등성기등발견추적됨NM 착용후변장여장남장등특수분장등코스튬등살해조직추적됨NM / 원격조작등가능크기변화등 투시경등수사방해목적등성전환환자주문용의료기등을 착용후 남장등여장등 한 연쇄살해범등 명단공개NM신원NM현위치NM


20130719 1044 NM현상황
투시경등수사방해목적등성전환환자주문용의료기등을 착용후 남장등여장등 한 연쇄살해범등 명단공개NM신원NM현위치NM

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네이버 미투데이 spine23 김주성NM 공기록


20130719 1044 NM현상황
투시경등수사방해목적등성전환환자주문용의료기등을 착용후 남장등여장등 한 연쇄살해범등 명단공개NM신원NM현위치NM

20130719 1044 NM현상황 연쇄살해조직등명단등통보공개NM / 특수형상등성형보형물등 유방등성기등발견추적됨NM 착용후변장여장남장등특수분장등코스튬등살해조직추적됨NM / 원격조작등가능크기변화등 투시경등수사방해목적등성전환환자주문용의료기등을 착용후 남장등여장등 한 연쇄살해범등 명단공개NM신원NM현위치NM

Daum 블로그
20130719 1044 NM현상황
투시경등수사방해목적등성전환환자주문용의료기등을 착용후 남장등여장등 한 연쇄살해범등 명단공개NM신원NM현위치NM

2013년 7월 18일 목요일


Daum 블로그 4799

20130718 2047 NM현상황/아침부터시작된초정밀타격등폭격결과NM어제밤 순시사유NM/한반도중부지저분리가능NM산동반도이동방향등NM/산동성 요동성 등 전체 몰수 NM 집행 NM NMnm/비슷한 이동지역등 발생NM/지저충돌등기울기변화등핵폐기물등이동등지진등방향변화/공전자전변화NM/벌어진지각사이로 핵폐기물이동등방사능치료등효과등사유방제형등NM지저등감염등동반지진등순시필요NM/카드등순시등막는자들은이미 미 정부 일부 반란군들을 통해정보를 듣고 다른 의도가졌던자들임NM/지금까지는 재앙 전구증상임NM심층지옥이열림NM===NM20130718 2105 시작된심해지저충돌등지저와 표층지각등 분리등이동등/한반도중부는 감염지역등지저등침하됨도시등터널등 파괴될것임NM/순시막아동마찬가지아님피해지역등세계여러나라임특수군등우주경찰군등도착함/우주법등우주등군법집행될것임NM/귀책사유NM몰수집행NM자동등NM 소유사유주체김주성NM  NMnm

[http://www.ddanzi.com/ddanziNews/1317937] ” 좋은 얘기다. 연간 3천억 원씩 비용을 절감하는 건 정말 좋은 일이다. 그런데 왜 그 절감된 비용을 국민 에게 돌려 주는 것이 아니라, 샵 메일 서비스 제공자 들에게 엄청난 매출을 올려주면서 몰아주는가 말이 다. 그리고 왜 개인 사업자나 개인은 정부가 절감한 경비를 돌려 받는 것이 아니라 오히려 연간 일이 만 원씩 추가적인 삥을 뜯겨야 되는가 말이다. 말도 많고 탈도 많은 공인인증서 문제에서도 결론 은 이렇게 흘러 갔었다. 결국 금감원에서 공인인증시스템을 집요하게 사수 하고, 그 대가는 금융결제원 등 서비스 업체들이 챙 겼다. 그리고 금감원을 은퇴한 고위직 공무원들이 금융결제원으로 내려가 하는 일 없는 감사로 재직 하면서 수억이 넘는 돈을 챙겼다는 의혹이 있다고 했다. 똑같은 것이다. 이제 지경부에서, 아니 이제는 미래 창조과학부에서 샵 메일을 추진하고 그 과일을 먹 은 서비스 업체들은 미창과부를 은퇴한 담당자들을 감사로 임명하고 고액 연봉을 주게 될 차례인가? 공인인증서 시장, 연간 육백 억 정도라고 했었다. 샵 메일 시장 연간 1조란다. (물론 5년 후까지 예상대 로 잘 된다면...) 대충 따져봐도 16배 규모로 늘어난 다. 답하기 힘든 질문 도대체 왜 국제 기술 규격을 외면하고 기술적으로 도 불안정한 특유의 시스템을 만들려고 하는지? 도대체 왜 기술 규격만 정하고 사업자들의 자유 경 쟁에 맡기지 않고 특정 업체에 서비스 권을 줘서 시 장을 독과점하게 만들려고 하는지? 도대체 왜 그 서비스를 정부 각 부처 모두가 다 쓰게 만들려고 하는지? 도대체 왜 정부와 기업의 경비를 절감한다는 미명 하에 개인 사업자와 개인에게 추가적인 삥을 뜯어 가려 하는지? 도대체 왜 이 사람들은 이런 기괴한 사업을 안 하면 망할 것처럼 열성적으로 추진하는지? 이 모든 질문에 대한 해답이 바로 돈, 고위직 공무원 들의 노후 대책에 있는 거라고 주장한다면 어떤 반 론이 있을 수 있을까? 그런 반론은 없을 것 같다. 그저 모든 것이 오해라고 만 하겠지. 이대로 간다면, 오 년에서 십 년 뒤의 우리 후배들은 공인인증서 따위와는 비교도 안 되게 커다란 샵 메 일이라는 똥덩어리를 치우기 위해 또 악다구니 치 면서 정부와 싸움을 벌여야 하는 신세가 될 것이다. 그나마 다행인 것은, 이 샵 메일에 가입하는 사업자 들의 증가추세가 정부가 추정한 것에 비해 터무니 없이 느리다는 것이다. 사람들도 어지간히 아는 것 이다. 하지만, 이것을 놔두고 보지는 않을 것이다. 정부 공공기관에 납품을 한다거나, 관공서 관련 사 업을 하는 사람들에게는 어쩔 수 없이 이 샵 메일을 가입할 수 밖에 없도록 하는 조치가 뒤이어 나오게 될 것이다. 마침 최근에도 트윗이 하나 올라왔다.


좋은 얘기다. 연간 3천억 원씩 비용을 절감하는 건 정말 좋은 일이다. 그런데 왜 그 절감된 비용을 국민 에게 돌려 주는 것이 아니라, 샵 메일 서비스 제공자 들에게 엄청난 매출을 올려주면서 몰아주는가 말이 다. 그리고 왜 개인 사업자나 개인은 정부가 절감한 경비를 돌려 받는 것이 아니라 오히려 연간 일이 만 원씩 추가적인 삥을 뜯겨야 되는가 말이다.

말도 많고 탈도 많은 공인인증서 문제에서도 결론 은 이렇게 흘러 갔었다.

결국 금감원에서 공인인증시스템을 집요하게 사수 하고, 그 대가는 금융결제원 등 서비스 업체들이 챙 겼다. 그리고 금감원을 은퇴한 고위직 공무원들이 금융결제원으로 내려가 하는 일 없는 감사로 재직 하면서 수억이 넘는 돈을 챙겼다는 의혹이 있다고 했다.

똑같은 것이다. 이제 지경부에서, 아니 이제는 미래 창조과학부에서 샵 메일을 추진하고 그 과일을 먹 은 서비스 업체들은 미창과부를 은퇴한 담당자들을 감사로 임명하고 고액 연봉을 주게 될 차례인가?

공인인증서 시장, 연간 육백 억 정도라고 했었다. 샵 메일 시장 연간 1조란다. (물론 5년 후까지 예상대 로 잘 된다면...) 대충 따져봐도 16배 규모로 늘어난 다.

답하기 힘든 질문

도대체 왜 국제 기술 규격을 외면하고 기술적으로 도 불안정한 특유의 시스템을 만들려고 하는지?

도대체 왜 기술 규격만 정하고 사업자들의 자유 경 쟁에 맡기지 않고 특정 업체에 서비스 권을 줘서 시 장을 독과점하게 만들려고 하는지?

도대체 왜 그 서비스를 정부 각 부처 모두가 다 쓰게 만들려고 하는지?

도대체 왜 정부와 기업의 경비를 절감한다는 미명 하에 개인 사업자와 개인에게 추가적인 삥을 뜯어 가려 하는지?

도대체 왜 이 사람들은 이런 기괴한 사업을 안 하면 망할 것처럼 열성적으로 추진하는지?

이 모든 질문에 대한 해답이 바로 돈, 고위직 공무원 들의 노후 대책에 있는 거라고 주장한다면 어떤 반 론이 있을 수 있을까?

그런 반론은 없을 것 같다. 그저 모든 것이 오해라고 만 하겠지.

이대로 간다면, 오 년에서 십 년 뒤의 우리 후배들은 공인인증서 따위와는 비교도 안 되게 커다란 샵 메 일이라는 똥덩어리를 치우기 위해 또 악다구니 치 면서 정부와 싸움을 벌여야 하는 신세가 될 것이다.

그나마 다행인 것은, 이 샵 메일에 가입하는 사업자 들의 증가추세가 정부가 추정한 것에 비해 터무니 없이 느리다는 것이다. 사람들도 어지간히 아는 것 이다. 하지만, 이것을 놔두고 보지는 않을 것이다. 정부 공공기관에 납품을 한다거나, 관공서 관련 사 업을 하는 사람들에게는 어쩔 수 없이 이 샵 메일을 가입할 수 밖에 없도록 하는 조치가 뒤이어 나오게 될 것이다.

마침 최근에도 트윗이 하나 올라왔다.

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” 좋은 얘기다. 연간 3천억 원씩 비용을 절감하는 건 정말 좋은 일이다. 그런데 왜 그 절감된 비용을 국민 에게 돌려 주는 것이 아니라, 샵 메일 서비스 제공자 들에게 엄청난 매출을 올려주면서 몰아주는가 말이 다. 그리고 왜 개인 사업자나 개인은 정부가 절감한 경비를 돌려 받는 것이 아니라 오히려 연간 일이 만 원씩 추가적인 삥을 뜯겨야 되는가 말이다. 말도 많고 탈도 많은 공인인증서 문제에서도 결론 은 이렇게 흘러 갔었다. 결국 금감원에서 공인인증시스템을 집요하게 사수 하고, 그 대가는 금융결제원 등 서비스 업체들이 챙 겼다. 그리고 금감원을 은퇴한 고위직 공무원들이 금융결제원으로 내려가 하는 일 없는 감사로 재직 하면서 수억이 넘는 돈을 챙겼다는 의혹이 있다고 했다. 똑같은 것이다. 이제 지경부에서, 아니 이제는 미래 창조과학부에서 샵 메일을 추진하고 그 과일을 먹 은 서비스 업체들은 미창과부를 은퇴한 담당자들을 감사로 임명하고 고액 연봉을 주게 될 차례인가? 공인인증서 시장, 연간 육백 억 정도라고 했었다. 샵 메일 시장 연간 1조란다. (물론 5년 후까지 예상대 로 잘 된다면...) 대충 따져봐도 16배 규모로 늘어난 다. 답하기 힘든 질문 도대체 왜 국제 기술 규격을 외면하고 기술적으로 도 불안정한 특유의 시스템을 만들려고 하는지? 도대체 왜 기술 규격만 정하고 사업자들의 자유 경 쟁에 맡기지 않고 특정 업체에 서비스 권을 줘서 시 장을 독과점하게 만들려고 하는지? 도대체 왜 그 서비스를 정부 각 부처 모두가 다 쓰게 만들려고 하는지? 도대체 왜 정부와 기업의 경비를 절감한다는 미명 하에 개인 사업자와 개인에게 추가적인 삥을 뜯어 가려 하는지? 도대체 왜 이 사람들은 이런 기괴한 사업을 안 하면 망할 것처럼 열성적으로 추진하는지? 이 모든 질문에 대한 해답이 바로 돈, 고위직 공무원 들의 노후 대책에 있는 거라고 주장한다면 어떤 반 론이 있을 수 있을까? 그런 반론은 없을 것 같다. 그저 모든 것이 오해라고 만 하겠지. 이대로 간다면, 오 년에서 십 년 뒤의 우리 후배들은 공인인증서 따위와는 비교도 안 되게 커다란 샵 메 일이라는 똥덩어리를 치우기 위해 또 악다구니 치 면서 정부와 싸움을 벌여야 하는 신세가 될 것이다. 그나마 다행인 것은, 이 샵 메일에 가입하는 사업자 들의 증가추세가 정부가 추정한 것에 비해 터무니 없이 느리다는 것이다. 사람들도 어지간히 아는 것 이다. 하지만, 이것을 놔두고 보지는 않을 것이다. 정부 공공기관에 납품을 한다거나, 관공서 관련 사 업을 하는 사람들에게는 어쩔 수 없이 이 샵 메일을 가입할 수 밖에 없도록 하는 조치가 뒤이어 나오게 될 것이다. 마침 최근에도 트윗이 하나 올라왔다.


좋은 얘기다. 연간 3천억 원씩 비용을 절감하는 건 정말 좋은 일이다. 그런데 왜 그 절감된 비용을 국민 에게 돌려 주는 것이 아니라, 샵 메일 서비스 제공자 들에게 엄청난 매출을 올려주면서 몰아주는가 말이 다. 그리고 왜 개인 사업자나 개인은 정부가 절감한 경비를 돌려 받는 것이 아니라 오히려 연간 일이 만 원씩 추가적인 삥을 뜯겨야 되는가 말이다.

말도 많고 탈도 많은 공인인증서 문제에서도 결론 은 이렇게 흘러 갔었다.

결국 금감원에서 공인인증시스템을 집요하게 사수 하고, 그 대가는 금융결제원 등 서비스 업체들이 챙 겼다. 그리고 금감원을 은퇴한 고위직 공무원들이 금융결제원으로 내려가 하는 일 없는 감사로 재직 하면서 수억이 넘는 돈을 챙겼다는 의혹이 있다고 했다.

똑같은 것이다. 이제 지경부에서, 아니 이제는 미래 창조과학부에서 샵 메일을 추진하고 그 과일을 먹 은 서비스 업체들은 미창과부를 은퇴한 담당자들을 감사로 임명하고 고액 연봉을 주게 될 차례인가?

공인인증서 시장, 연간 육백 억 정도라고 했었다. 샵 메일 시장 연간 1조란다. (물론 5년 후까지 예상대 로 잘 된다면...) 대충 따져봐도 16배 규모로 늘어난 다.

답하기 힘든 질문

도대체 왜 국제 기술 규격을 외면하고 기술적으로 도 불안정한 특유의 시스템을 만들려고 하는지?

도대체 왜 기술 규격만 정하고 사업자들의 자유 경 쟁에 맡기지 않고 특정 업체에 서비스 권을 줘서 시 장을 독과점하게 만들려고 하는지?

도대체 왜 그 서비스를 정부 각 부처 모두가 다 쓰게 만들려고 하는지?

도대체 왜 정부와 기업의 경비를 절감한다는 미명 하에 개인 사업자와 개인에게 추가적인 삥을 뜯어 가려 하는지?

도대체 왜 이 사람들은 이런 기괴한 사업을 안 하면 망할 것처럼 열성적으로 추진하는지?

이 모든 질문에 대한 해답이 바로 돈, 고위직 공무원 들의 노후 대책에 있는 거라고 주장한다면 어떤 반 론이 있을 수 있을까?

그런 반론은 없을 것 같다. 그저 모든 것이 오해라고 만 하겠지.

이대로 간다면, 오 년에서 십 년 뒤의 우리 후배들은 공인인증서 따위와는 비교도 안 되게 커다란 샵 메 일이라는 똥덩어리를 치우기 위해 또 악다구니 치 면서 정부와 싸움을 벌여야 하는 신세가 될 것이다.

그나마 다행인 것은, 이 샵 메일에 가입하는 사업자 들의 증가추세가 정부가 추정한 것에 비해 터무니 없이 느리다는 것이다. 사람들도 어지간히 아는 것 이다. 하지만, 이것을 놔두고 보지는 않을 것이다. 정부 공공기관에 납품을 한다거나, 관공서 관련 사 업을 하는 사람들에게는 어쩔 수 없이 이 샵 메일을 가입할 수 밖에 없도록 하는 조치가 뒤이어 나오게 될 것이다.

마침 최근에도 트윗이 하나 올라왔다.

posted from Bloggeroid

20130718 NM

2013년 7월 17일 수요일



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[본문스크랩] 고소장 고소인;김주성(주민번호6.. : 네이버블로그

고소후처벌된 사건등 고소중인사건등 공기록형법상문서 공전자기록 군기록 공무등

[본문스크랩] 고소장 고소인;김주성(주민번호6.. : 네이버블로그






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20130717 NM : 네이버 블로그


20130717 NM


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2013년 7월 16일 화요일

20130716 NM

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HAARP Facility Shuts Down

HAARP Facility Shuts Down

TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”

HAARP Facility Shuts Down http://www.arrl.org/news/haarp-facility-shuts-down HAARP Facility Shuts Down TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”


HAARP Facility Shuts Down

HAARP Facility Shuts Down

TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”

posted from Bloggeroid

HAARP Facility Shuts Down http://www.arrl.org/news/haarp-facility-shuts-down HAARP Facility Shuts Down TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”


HAARP Facility Shuts Down

HAARP Facility Shuts Down

TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”

HAARP Facility Shuts Down http://www.arrl.org/news/haarp-facility-shuts-down HAARP Facility Shuts Down TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”

HAARP Facility Shuts Down

HAARP Facility Shuts Down

TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”

posted from Bloggeroid

HAARP Facility Shuts Down http://www.arrl.org/news/haarp-facility-shuts-down HAARP Facility Shuts Down TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”

HAARP Facility Shuts Down

HAARP Facility Shuts Down

TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”

posted from Bloggeroid



HAARP Facility Shuts Down

HAARP Facility Shuts Down

TAGS: air force, Alaska, amateur radio club, hams, ionospheric research, keeney, naval research laboratory, research07/15/2013The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.“Currently the site is abandoned,” he said. “It comes down to money. We don’t have any.” Keeney said no one is on site, access roads are blocked, buildings are chained and the power turned off. HAARP’s websitethrough the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service. “Everything is in secure mode,” he said, adding that it will stay that way at least for another 4 to 6 weeks. In the meantime a new prime contractor will be coming on board to run the government owned-contractor operated (GOCO) facility.HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said.The only bright spot on HAARP’s horizon right now is that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected on site as a client to finish up some research this fall and winter. DARPA has nearly $8.8 million in its FY 14 budget plan to research “physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning and geo-physical phenomena.”The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.Jointly funded by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility. Its best-known apparatus is its 3.6 MW HF (approximately 3 to 10 MHz) ionospheric research instrument (IRI), feeding an extensive system of 180 gain antennas and used to “excite” sections of the ionosphere. Other onsite equipment is used to evaluate the effects.Larry Ledlow, N1TX, of Fairbanks, Alaska, said HAARP ionosonde and riometer data have been “invaluable, especially being more or less local, to understand current conditions in the high latitudes.” He said data from other sites “simply do not accurately reflect the unique propagation we endure here.”To fill the gap, Ledlow said, several members of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club — including Eric Nichols, KL7AJ, author of Radio Science for the Radio Amateurand articles in QST — have discussed building their own instruments. “It’s all very preliminary,” he said, “but we really feel the pinch losing HAARP.” Nichols, of North Pole, Alaska, has conducted experiments at HAARP. He called the shutdown “a great loss to interior Alaska hams and many others.”The ultra-high power facility long has intrigued hams, even outside of Alaska. In 1997, HAARP transmitted test signals on HF (3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz) and solicited reports from hams and short-wave listeners in the “Lower 48” to determine how well the HAARP transmissions could be heard to the south. In 2007 HAARP succeeded in bouncing a 40 meter signal off the moon. Earlier this year, HAARP scientists successfully produced a sustained high-density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere.As things stand, the Air Force has possession for now, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the unique facility will be dismantled, Keeney said. He pointed out that it would cost less to bulldoze the antenna field than it would to replace the 180 antennas.Splashy web postings abound, blaming HAARP for controlling the weather — most recently in the case of Hurricane Sandy and the spate of tornados — and for causing other natural disasters. Quipped Keeney, “If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.”

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2013년 7월 14일 일요일

기상테러등 HAARP등이외 개량형등신기술등다른망등 존재증거NM지적한시기NM회수NM자동등소유등사유등NM김주성NM NM

연합뉴스 모바일웹

연합뉴스 모바일웹
20130714 0150 NM
●금천구 42.5mm 새벽5시등시간당40mm
●구별 통계숨기고해외에서 기상통보보고들어오는자들NM
●국내에는 해외기상통보사이트차단지시한자들NM처형NM
 ●  13일 기상청에 따르면 밤사이 서울과 경기북부 지방을 중심으로 강한 비구름대가 만들어지면서 폭우가 내렸다.    서울 금천구에는 이날 오전 5시부터 1시간 동안 42.5㎜가 내리는 등 밤사이 시간당 40㎜ 안팎의 집중호우가 쏟아졌다.    12일부터 이날 오전 7시까지 강수량은 서울이 199.0㎜로 가장 많다. 부천 174.5㎜, 고양 171.5㎜, 구리 179.0㎜, 남양주 166.5㎜, 양평 164.0㎜, 인천 152.7㎜, 김포 117.5㎜, 안양 105.0㎜, 홍천 97.0㎜ 등 수도권에 비가 집중됐다.    현재 서울, 경기 광명·안산·시흥·부천·성남·구리·남양주·하남·광주·양평, 강원도, 인천에 호우경보가, 경기 김포·고양·수원·안양·군포·의왕·용인·화성·여주, 강원 평창·원주·홍천, 인천 강화에 호우주의보가 내려져 있다.    장마전선 영향으로 서해상에서 발달한 강한 비구름대는 서울을 비롯한 중부지방으로 지속적으로 유입돼 전날 저녁부터 장대비를 뿌리기 시작했다.

20130712-13 NM순시결과위성테러예상됨NM 그러나 방해조직 방조범등 공모한자들 주범 자금책등 위치확인됨 그리고 그곳에 물폭탄등


연합뉴스 모바일웹
20130714 0150 NM
●금천구 42.5mm 새벽5시등시간당40mm
●구별 통계숨기고해외에서 기상통보보고들어오는자들NM
●국내에는 해외기상통보사이트차단지시한자들NM처형NM
 ●  13일 기상청에 따르면 밤사이 서울과 경기북부 지방을 중심으로 강한 비구름대가 만들어지면서 폭우가 내렸다.    서울 금천구에는 이날 오전 5시부터 1시간 동안 42.5㎜가 내리는 등 밤사이 시간당 40㎜ 안팎의 집중호우가 쏟아졌다.    12일부터 이날 오전 7시까지 강수량은 서울이 199.0㎜로 가장 많다. 부천 174.5㎜, 고양 171.5㎜, 구리 179.0㎜, 남양주 166.5㎜, 양평 164.0㎜, 인천 152.7㎜, 김포 117.5㎜, 안양 105.0㎜, 홍천 97.0㎜ 등 수도권에 비가 집중됐다.    현재 서울, 경기 광명·안산·시흥·부천·성남·구리·남양주·하남·광주·양평, 강원도, 인천에 호우경보가, 경기 김포·고양·수원·안양·군포·의왕·용인·화성·여주, 강원 평창·원주·홍천, 인천 강화에 호우주의보가 내려져 있다.    장마전선 영향으로 서해상에서 발달한 강한 비구름대는 서울을 비롯한 중부지방으로 지속적으로 유입돼 전날 저녁부터 장대비를 뿌리기 시작했다.

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