microsurgery 전산ᆞ
replantation 전산ᆞ
revascularization 전산ᆞ
major limb replantation 전산ᆞ
degloving injury 전산ᆞ
stiff finger 전산ᆞ
small joint arthroplasty (post replantation)
vascularized joint transfer 전산ᆞ
toe to finger 전산ᆞ
children's replantation 전산ᆞ
Replantation in elderly patient 전산ᆞ
finger replantation 전산ᆞ
trans metacarpal replantation 전산ᆞ
trans carpal replantation 전산ᆞ
forearm replantation with reconstruction with free functional muscle transfer 전산ᆞ
functional free muscle transfer 전산ᆞ
vascularized nerve graft 전산ᆞ
composite free flap 전산ᆞ
emergency free flap 전산ᆞ
arterialzed venous free flap 전산ᆞ
tendocutaneous free flap 전산ᆞ
great toe repalntation 전산ᆞ
transpositional microsurgery 전산ᆞ
foot and ankle replantation 전산ᆞ
posted from Bloggeroid
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