2014년 9월 17일 수요일

20140917 0900ᆞFTAᆞRFᆞFTAᆞ

@spinekim23: 용오름ᆞ지적한시기ᆞ각ᆞFTAᆞ이동경로ᆞ명단 가운데 일치하는자들ᆞFTAᆞ통보ᆞwnᆞ20140917 0859ᆞ

fedral government shutdown 2013 09 30ᆞ  USAᆞshutdownᆞ20140911ᆞFTAᆞ USᆞshutdownᆞFTAᆞ


http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_government_shutdown_of_2013           2014-01-07ᆞdebt limitᆞᆞ  ᆞ            2013-12-28ᆞᆞFTAᆞ  ᆞ김주성NMᆞ  ᆞ

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The deadlock centered on the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014, which was passed by the House of Representatives on September 20, 2013.[12] The Senate stripped the bill of the measures related to the Affordable Care Act, and passed it in revised form on September 27, 2013.[12] The House reinstated the Senate-removed measures, and passed it again in the early morning hours on September 29.[12] The Senate declined to pass the bill with measures to delay the Affordable Care Act, and the two legislative houses did not develop a compro

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