2015년 4월 25일 토요일

FNSS - Pars 8X8 Wheeled Armoured Vehicle (WAV) Si… FNSS - Pars 8X8 Wheeled Armoured Vehicle (WAV) Si…: http://youtu.be/EeHkldcQjao YouTube에서 FNSS announced winners of the International Milit… 보기 FNSS announced winners of the International Milit…: http://youtu.be/A2VX-9zI4yk

FNSS - Pars 8X8 Wheeled Armoured Vehicle (WAV) Si…: http://youtu.be/EeHkldcQjao

FNSS announced winners of the International Milit…: http://youtu.be/A2VX-9zI4yk

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