Floating Nuclear Power Plant: http://youtu.be/VbSSjRS2CnU
Floating Nuclear Power Plant -… 보기 - Akademik Lomonosov Floating Nuclear Power Plant -…: http://youtu.be/YpZohKz5GKE
China plans to build giant solar power station in…: http://youtu.be/zpM3jI_sTEE
solar sail etc 특허등
지상화 된 부분 극소수
Solar power from energy-harvesting trees: http://youtu.be/_QswunfBC8U
Solar Tree Animation: http://youtu.be/eEYqXKcOAtk
Solar Tree Animation of Reactive…: http://youtu.be/INUzcra460k
- Tree Animation, Growth, Seasons and weather: http://youtu.be/u7e6tS2N28k
Robot Origami: Robot self-folds, walks, and compl…: http://youtu.be/ZVYz7g-qLjs
Self-folding robots: http://youtu.be/9M1zNIVGrjM
Small cubes that self-assemble: http://youtu.be/6aZbJS6LZbs
Programmable self-assembly in a thousand-robot sw…: http://youtu.be/xK54Bu9HFRw
Untethered soft robot: http://youtu.be/_OJrwCP24cI
Harvard researchers demonstrate soft robot camouf…: http://youtu.be/bC1WFU4G-WU
How to make a Toy Robot Snake: http://youtu.be/20GU1Dcpep4
Sand Flea Jumping Robot: http://youtu.be/6b4ZZQkcNEo
MorpHex MKI part 3: http://youtu.be/HuC6q9kbryw
- The Cubli: a cube that can jump up, balance, and …: http://youtu.be/n_6p-1J551Y
floating mega architecture
with solar system
- The Balancing Cube, ETH Zurich: http://youtu.be/gbT_XoSIlEo
- Solar islands: The energy revolution?: http://youtu.be/XdpuxXDu5l4
metal corrosion
metal ion life span change
environmental effect
amorphous etc
peripheral portion
ion activity
electron concept change
satellite tracker etc
tron tracer etc
collidor etc
accelerator etc
particle etc
Solar-powered boat circumnavigates the world: http://youtu.be/AZaLTaMd0uo
exandabe etc
inflatable etc
foldable etc
Solar Car Race: http://youtu.be/dD9sfBGTXCw
hover type with solar system
- Solar Cars by Murtaza Khan: http://youtu.be/3ZndIuuLqWA
- University of Michigan Solar Car Team | TRANSLOGI…: http://youtu.be/dN3nge8CQS0
extra propulsion
anti gravity with solar system
Tony Hawk Rides World's First Real Hoverboard - …: http://youtu.be/HSheVhmcYLA
"RIDON" Hoverbike 3D Animation: http://youtu.be/LHo6c7w2TWY
personal transport vehicle
- Off-Road Hover Bike Will Be Available in 2017: http://youtu.be/uwxaZ9KCdcE
hover type
hoover type 차이
위 기술들
- Lillypad City: The floating city: http://youtu.be/d98u3jr47Fc
WORLDS LARGEST STEALTH AIRCRAFT to be built for R…: http://youtu.be/IfW4jdP4SXs
Aircraft Carrier - Discovery Documentary HD NEW 2…: http://youtu.be/PuFr8R6Vofs
그 다음 순서
space habitat
iss 는 다른 순서
[Saturday] 무기·짐 150kg 실어나르고 … 10m 담장도 뛰어 오르고 - http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=025&aid=0002512955&sid1=001
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