2013년 10월 29일 화요일

미 \/ 미합중국 \/ Holy Dragonion 김주성NM \/ 20131029 1522 V \/ http://durl.me/6a4mpk "미 \/ 미합중국 \/ Holy Dragonion 김주성NM \/ 20131029 1522 V \/": http://blog.daum.net/spinekim23/4957 미 \/ 미합중국 \/ Holy Dragonion 김주성NM \/20131029 1522 V \/ 댓글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 2013-10-29 1520 V \/●미-미합중국 \/ \/|\/ \/ 김주성NM \/ \/ | \/ \/ /●http://durl.me/685f6w 다음블로그4940 "2013-10-21 1640 V \/ 미-미합중국 V \/ 김주성 NM V \/ \/": ●http://blog.daum.net/spinekim23/4940 /2013-10-21 1640 V \/ 미-미합중국 V \/ 김주성NM V \/ \/ / 2013-10-21 1632 \/ | \/ / ●https://plus.google.com/app/basic/stream/z13bzlbzyyitw3igi04chfd5wxjhgfszahk? cbp=13kftr1oca5pp&sview=27&spath=/app/basic/110736564663675286720/posts&sparm=cbp%3D1jn2m1mg1c391%26sview %3D26 /●2013-09-27 V V / ●미 연방정부 해체 사유 참 조 V 발생시기 V state 채무 연방채무 정부채무 등 V FTAV/●부채 V 정부채 V 지방채 V 공기업채 V 기타 V 분류 된 후 발행주체에 따른 귀책집행등 회수차압 의결 한자 사 용한자 등 처벌기준 공개된 후 현상황 V 프리즘 V ss V FTA V 통보 V 자동등 자동V V \/20120927 0823 V/ ● 발행주체 채무이행주체 V 국채 와 정부채 차이 V 나라 부채표현 공무원들피해우선발생시키려는 의도 V 추적 된 시기 지적된시기 처벌방해하는자들 밝혀진시기 V 프리즘 V ss V 수사결과 V 통보자동등 V V \/20130927 0823 V / ●●http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-obamacare-government-shutdown-sg,0,3402672.storygallery /●http://touch.latimes.com/#story/la-pn-national-debt-facts-20131016//●http://www.breakingnews.com/topic/us-sequester-budget-resolution-2013 / ●http://www.nbcnews.com/id/53158224/displaymode/1247?beginSlide=1 / ●●To the president's desk: House, Senate pass bill to end shutdown standoff - NBC Politics /●http://nbcpolitics.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/16/20992216-to-the-presidents-desk-house-senate-pass-bill-to-end-shutdown-standoff / ●66 questions and answers about the government shutdown /http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/09/29/questions-and-answers-about-the-shutdown/2888419//●2013-10-17 V \//●http://durl.me/677ht5/● 2013-10-17 1508 V \/미 \/ 미 합중국 \/ \/ /●http://blog.daum.net/spinekim23/4926 /●fedral government shut down V 17년전과차이를노 린자들 V \/ 1995-96 fedral government shutdown \/still not closed V \/ /spinekim23 | 2013.10.17 15:08 /●http://blog.naver.com/spine23/50181399122 /●http://me2.do/5d37bWni /●2013-10-17V \/ 주범공범 전 원 미 연방군형무소에 수감될것임 V 군정지 역에서 발 생한 최악테러집단살 해극 등 V \/ /●The difference between fedral partial shutdown and fedral government shutdown V 17년전과 차이 노린자들 국제변호사등법무법인들 부채등강제상환집 행된시기 조직 형성등수사결과추후등 V \/ /●2013-10-17 \/ 1995-96 fedral government shutdown \/ still not closed V partial Bill \/|\/ V \// ●LA Times - Four facts about the national debt you may not know ●●http://touch.latimes.com/#story/la-pn-national-debt-facts-20131016/ /●US National Bird \/ 20131019 1332 \/●"미 연방행정부 귀책등발생지 적후 shutdown 그후 상 하원등 귀책등발견됨 V 현재 미 연방셧다운 후 미 합 중 국체제 미 US government V \/": ●http://blog.daum.net/spinekim23/4935 / ●\/ The difference between 1 미 fedral shutdown and US shutdown 2 미 연방행정부 fedral government and 미합중국정 부 US government V \/ 김주성23;620506-1683421 (@spinekim23) tweet ed at 11:18PM on Fri, Oct 18, 2013: @spinekim23 ●미 fedral shutdown 과 귀책등주체인 미연방행정부 fedral government shutdown 차이 지적한시기 V 현 상황원인20131018 2000 \/ 통보공개자동등V \/ ●http://t.co/MOClaNKaZL ●(https://twitter.com/spinekim23/status/3912065 35117799424) / @WhiteHouse @spinekim23 Obamaon how Congress can help grow our econ omy: 1. Pass abudget 2. Immigrationreform 3. Pass a farm bill http://t.co/ZW8D9CDSFA #JustVote / ●●@spinekim23 how US government not fedral government can keep the law of USA and overcome this situation that they are confronted with... / 김주성23;620506-1683421 (@spinekim23) tweet ed at 2:31AM on Sat, Oct 19, 2013: ●http://t.co/idXIlLhzFk 여러매몰지동시에발굴등 지 적한시기 V 추 가발견된 집단 매몰지 시기별 V 프리즘 V 층별다른곳 존재 V 추후공개등 V (https://twitter.com/spinekim23/status/3912552 90785841152) /Daum 블로 그4936/●http://blog.daum.net/spinekim23/4936 /●The US government 미 합중국정부 V \/ 미 연방 행 정부 fedral government was shut down and still clsed not only by technically and financially but also legally 20131019 2120 서울시각 confirmed V \/ \/ /●http://touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-77819148/● http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-obamacare-government-shutdown-sg,0,3402672.storygallery /●The U.S. fedral government shutdown;With the House and Senate locked in stalemate, the Office of Management and Budget formally began shutting down the government late Monday. The federal government was shut down twice in 1995-96, when Bill Clinton was president and Newt Gingrich was the speaker of the House, but has not closed since then. /2013-10-19 2154 V \/ \/|\/ \/ 2013-10-20 \/ B \/Bill \/ \/ ●States with big military,research facilities hurt most by shutdown -Stripes -Independent U.S. military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwide / http://www.stripes.com/states-with-big-military-research-facilities-hurt-most-by-shutdown-1.248040 /


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