2016년 3월 11일 금요일

southkorea 가능 의미ᆞ20150311ᆞhttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1567760163492617&id=100007759448511 These planes could someday replace the A-10 — if the Pentagon spends the cash - The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2015/03/09/these-planes-could-someday-replace-the-a-10-if-the-pentagon-spends-the-cash/?tid=sm_tw A10 attack cost per hour close air support F15E F16 Bell helicopterᆞtextron scorpionᆞ3000 달러 per hour Light etc ws 지적ᆞ수요등ᆞsouth korea 가능 기종ᆞT50 FA50ᆞ마케팅 영업등ᆞ퇴직장교등ᆞ국정원등ᆞ경찰등군등ᆞ


These planes could someday replace the A-10 — if the Pentagon spends the cash - The Washington Post

A10 attack
cost per hour
close air support
F15E F16

Bell helicopterᆞtextron scorpionᆞ3000 달러 per hour
Light etc ws 지적ᆞ수요등ᆞsouth korea 가능 기종ᆞT50 FA50ᆞ마케팅 영업등ᆞ퇴직장교등ᆞ국정원등ᆞ경찰등군등ᆞ

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