2013년 10월 1일 화요일

20131001 V shutdown V fedral gonernment V FTA V 자동등 자동V V \/ 자동등V V \/ http://durl.me/5xdg8n 20131001 V shutdown V fedral gonernment V FTA V 자동등 자동V V \/ 자동등V V \/ http://blog.daum.net/spinekim23/4908 20131001 V shutdown V fedral gonernment V FTA V 자동등 자동V V \/ 자동등V V \/ 2013-10-01 V partial fedral shutdown V 채 발행주체 V 정부채 연방채 지방채 기업채등 V 채무상환의무 V 귀책 V FTA V 자동등 자동V V \/ 20131001 2259 V 자동등V \/ ●66 questions and answers about the government shutdown ● http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/09/29/questions-and-answers-about-the-shutdown/2888419/ "2013-10-01 V ": http://blog.daum.net/spinekim23/4906 2013-10-01 1237 V \/ㅣ\/ V / /http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rpbl2s / /2013-10-01 V to protect my homeland national bird national flag united state and GOD V / /●●●ㅣwas here and ㅣam here V Holy Bird V HOLY OFFICER V 김주성 NM(mailto:spinekim@gmail.com) V \/ \/ / /●●Policy change V final decision making and commanding by 김주성 NM(mailto:spinekim@gmail.com) including military policy fedral policy and so on V \/ 자동등V V \/ \/ 20131001 \/ / /●2013-10-01 V FEDRAL SHUTDOWN V 미 연합군 군정사령부 V CLOSE 노린자들 V 미 연방 SHUTDOWN 목표로한 국제테러등금융테러등핵전쟁 등국지전확대시도등 추적됨 V 대륙등군정등 V INTERCONTINENTAL TYPE 군정 V DECISION AND COMMAND BY JOOSUNG KIM(김주성NM) INCLUDING RF SU etc V \/ 자동등 자동V V 20131001 1145 V 자동등V V \/ //http://tl.gd/n_1rpbl2s // /검관 김씨주성 / ●66 questions and answers about the government shutdown / /http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/09/29/questions-and-answers-about-the-shutdown/2888419/ / /http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rpbl2s

20131001 V shutdown V fedral gonernment V FTA V 자동등 자동V V \/ 자동등V V \/


20131001 V shutdown V fedral gonernment V FTA V 자동등 자동V V \/ 자동등V V \/


20131001 V shutdown V fedral gonernment V FTA V 자동등 자동V V \/ 자동등V V \/

2013-10-01 V partial fedral shutdown V 채 발행주체 V 정부채 연방채 지방채 기업채등 V 채무상환의무 V 귀책 V FTA V 자동등 자동V V \/ 20131001 2259 V 자동등V \/

●66 questions and answers about the government shutdown

● http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/09/29/questions-and-answers-about-the-shutdown/2888419/

"2013-10-01 V ":


2013-10-01 1237 V \/ㅣ\/ V /

/http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rpbl2s /

/2013-10-01 V to protect my homeland national bird national flag united state and GOD V /

/●●●ㅣwas here and ㅣam here V Holy Bird V HOLY OFFICER V 김주성 NM(mailto:spinekim@gmail.com) V \/ \/ /

/●●Policy change V final decision making and commanding by 김주성 NM(mailto:spinekim@gmail.com) including military policy fedral policy and so on V \/ 자동등V V \/ \/ 20131001 \/ /

/●2013-10-01 V FEDRAL SHUTDOWN V 미 연합군 군정사령부 V CLOSE 노린자들 V 미 연방 SHUTDOWN 목표로한 국제테러등금융테러등핵전쟁 등국지전확대시도등 추적됨 V 대륙등군정등 V INTERCONTINENTAL TYPE 군정 V DECISION AND COMMAND BY JOOSUNG KIM(김주성NM) INCLUDING RF SU etc V \/ 자동등 자동V V 20131001 1145 V 자동등V V \/ //http://tl.gd/n_1rpbl2s //

/검관 김씨주성

●66 questions and answers about the government shutdown /
/http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/09/29/questions-and-answers-about-the-shutdown/2888419/ /

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