2013년 12월 9일 월요일

http://www.ausairpower.net/XIMG/Cruise-Missile-Orbits-1S.png The US Air Force model for cruise missile defence envisages inner and outer zones, patrolled by E-3 AWACS and E-8 JSTARS respectively, with F-22A providing outer zone intercepts, and AESA equipped legacy fighters inner zone intercepts. Current RAAF planning leaves gaps in inner zone X-band surveillance capability, and totally inadequate fighter capability in terms of radar performance, supersonic persistence and missile payloads. This chart depicts an alternative model for the RAAF (Author).


The US Air Force model for cruise missile defence envisages inner and outer zones, patrolled by E-3 AWACS and E-8 JSTARS respectively, with F-22A providing outer zone intercepts, and AESA equipped legacy fighters inner zone intercepts. Current RAAF planning leaves gaps in inner zone X-band surveillance capability, and totally inadequate fighter capability in terms of radar performance, supersonic persistence and missile payloads. This chart depicts an alternative model for the RAAF (Author).

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