2015년 8월 18일 화요일

20150818 김주성 검찰관정형외과전문의 순서 의미


김주성 정형외과 분야 학술활동 전산ᆞ

microsurgery 전산ᆞ

replantation 전산ᆞ
revascularization 전산ᆞ

major limb replantation 전산ᆞ

degloving injury 전산ᆞ

stiff finger 전산ᆞ

small joint arthroplasty (post replantation)

vascularized joint transfer 전산ᆞ

toe to finger 전산ᆞ

children's replantation 전산ᆞ

Replantation in elderly patient 전산ᆞ

finger replantation 전산ᆞ

trans metacarpal replantation 전산ᆞ

trans carpal replantation 전산ᆞ

forearm replantation with reconstruction with free functional muscle transfer 전산ᆞ

functional free muscle transfer 전산ᆞ

vascularized nerve graft 전산ᆞ

composite free flap 전산ᆞ

emergency free flap 전산ᆞ

arterialzed venous free flap 전산ᆞ

tendocutaneous free flap 전산ᆞ

great toe repalntation 전산ᆞ

transpositional microsurgery 전산ᆞ

foot and ankle replantation 전산ᆞ

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